Opening the operation of the new devices in the fetal medicine unit - Obstetrics and Gynecology center.
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On Tuesday 8th November 2016, prof/ Mohamed Kenawy – president of Mansoura University opened the operation of the new devices in the fetal medicine unit “Obstetrics and Gynecology center”, the training center for ultrasound, and in cooperation with Samsung for electronics – Egypt.
And With the presence of Prof / Saeed Abdel Hady– Dean of the faculty of medicine, prof/ Hesham Shaalan – establisher of the department, prof/ Naser El Lakany – head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department and prof/ Hend Shalby- coordinator of the unit, and a set of hospitals and centers managers.
Prof/ Hend Shalby mentioned that this technology will be used to improve the experience of learning and training of the ultrasound doctors (Obstetrics and Gynecology specific) to improve their skills and develop the scientific research.
Prof/Naser El Lakany added that the department receive about 5000 case monthly and that this new device will help in disseminate the science of ultrasound and using the high techniques to improve the doctor’s performance and give a better chance for the Obstetrics and Gynecology field.
Prof/ Mohamed Kenawy gave his thanks for all doctors for their efforts, and mentioned how wonderful is the idea of the new unit, as it gives a new value for the devices that serve the patients
And added that the university will do her best to complete the other three new centers and stressed on the necessity of having a vision to transport all these experiences to the ministry of health doctors through the center