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أرشيف الأخبار

President of Mansoura University participates in the opening of the World Forum of Higher Education and Scientific Research (2)

Mansoura University Delegation Participates in the Opening Ceremony and Activities of the Global Forum for Higher Education and Scientific Research
Mansoura University delegation headed by Prof. Ashraf Abd Elbasset, the university president, participated in the opening ceremony of the Global Forum for Higher Education and Scientific Research, with the presence of his Excellency President Abd El-Fattah El-Sisi, the president of Egypt. The forum is an initiative on Higher Education under the title of "Between the Present and the Future" and is scheduled to be held from April 4th to 6th, 2019 in the New Capital of Egypt. The delegation included the vice-presidents, deans, and a good number of students.
Among the major activities of the forum was the exhibition of higher education.Around 85 universities, public, private, international branch campuses, research centers and institutes, as well as national and international organizations working on research an innovation all over the world, have all taken part in this exhibition.

The new administrative capital witnessed the opening of the first Global Forum for Higher Education and Scientific Research "Between the Present and the Future", which will last for 3 days under the patronage of President Abd El -Fattah El-Sisi. The number of participants is around 2,000, including senior officials in HE, scientists, experts and those interested in higher education, scientific research and innovation, as well as more than 300 presidents of international universities, deputy ministers of education and education experts from 55 countries, as well as representatives of regional and international organizations interested in higher education and scientific research.

The Forum aims to create an international platform. The main objective of this platform is to explore the present and future status of higher education, scientific research and innovation. This is presented in a form of panel discussions and round tables addressing a number of global issues in a way that allows the exchange of international experiences in the fields of higher education, scientific research and innovation.
The forum will tackle important issues related to higher education and scientific research during its three days. These topics include: the 4th Industrial Revolution, emerging technology, the internationalization of higher education, the knowledge-based economy, the role of higher education and scientific research in achieving sustainable development.
It will also discuss a number of important issues such as maximizing the return on investment in higher education, scientific research and innovation, and the challenges facing higher education and scientific research at the international level in an era of digital transformation which is currently taking place in the world.
The forum will also present the topics of artificial intelligence and qualifying fresh graduates to compete in the new labor market, achieving quality in higher education, and upgrading the status of ranking of the Egyptian universities according to the international standards . 

مركز تقنية الاتصالات والمعلومات
يهنئ السادة النواب والعمداء الجدد ويتمنى لهم التوفيق فى قيادة الجامعة
لمزيد من الازدهار والتقدم

أ.د. أحمد جمال الدين عبد الفتاح موسى 
نائب رئيس الجامعة لشئون التعليم والطلاب
أ.د. شوقى محمد حسن
نائب رئيس الجامعة للدراسات العليا والبحوث والعلاقات الثقافية
أ.د. محمد أحمد جاب الله
نائب رئيس الجامعة لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة
أ. د. محمود محمد حسن

عميد كلية حقوق

أ.د. السعيد الشربينى السعيد

عميد كلية طب بيطرى

أ. د. ماهر محمد إبراهيم عبدالعال

عميد كلية الزراعة


حضر الاحتفالية كل من:
أ. د./ عبدالعظيم مرسى وزير محافظ دمياط
أ. د./ أحمد أمين حمزة
رئيس جامعة المنصورة
 أ. د./ عزمي عبد الفتاح نائب رئيس الجامعة الشئون التعليم والطلاب
أ. د./ على ماهر العدل نائب رئيس جامعة المنصورة لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة
 أ. د./ يحيى عبيد نائب رئيس جامعة المنصورة للدراسات العليا والبحوث
أ. / فاروق عبده فلية أمين جامعة المنصورة

الصفحة 1 من 332

تقويم جامعة المنصورة

السبت الأحد الإثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة

كليات الجامعة

البرامج النوعية حسب الكليات (طلاب - دراسات العليا)

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  • زيارات اليوم فقط 667

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